DataScience - Python Lambda Functions

n = 3 p = 2

def test(n,p): return n**p

Here, we create test function.

Lambda Function:

a = lambda n , p: n**p


we use lambda keyword and take 2 inputs n,p; then after colon we put the output we want, then we store function inside variable 'a' and call it.
It is also called anonymous function bcoz this is a function without a name.

Do Not Use Lambda Function for Complex Functions, only use for simple functions.
Celsius to Farhenheit:

c_to_f = lambda c : (9/5)*c + 32


Finding max:

finding_max = lambda x,y : x if x>y else y


Lambda Function to find length:

s = "karan"

find_len = lambda s : len(s)
